Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Gettysburg Show 7 - 9 August 2009

The Artist Preservation Group invites you to join us in honoring the spirit of men like them on Aug 7-9 2009 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania at the Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center. The APG will be hosting a miniature show and art exhibit in order to raise funds for our ongoing restoration and preservation projects. Here's a quick update on where we are for the 2009 Gettysburg Show:

- We're starting to line up seminars for the show. As of today we have Matt Springer, Chris Mrosko, and Keith Rocco. Matt will be doing is on the sculpting and painting of his 2009 APG bust. Chris will be giving us a demonstration of his superior airbrushing techniques. Keith will be giving his presentation titled "Working on a Grand Scale-Cycloramas". Several others are in the works and we will announce those when they become available.

- We have a contract with the hotel and they've given us an extremely good rate of $110 a night for double occupancy. That rate is good for one week prior to and one week after the show. We'd like to encourage folks to bring the family and make a vacation out of the weekend!

- We are also beginning to put up links on our web site ( for other attractions in the area as well as a link to the Gettysburg Visitors and Convention Bureau. For those traveling by air we will also be listing airports in the area and contact information on transportation from the airport to Gettysburg.

- In lieu of a banquet we are planning a barbeque on Sat. night. We are tinkering with some sort of a contest at the barbeque; John Jefferies is working this. Stand by for news on that. Should be fun.

- We've talked with Keven Dunne, and he's working on a event that would feature some reenactors and Picketts Charge. As soon as it's available we will post the list of events hosted by the National Park Service for those days encompassing the show. As a side note, there is no charge for these Battlefield Walks and they are excellent presentations that are given on location in the park. Mike attended one a few years ago on the fight at the Wheatfield and Rose Woods given by Scott Hartwig and it was superb. There are also demonstartions given at various locations in the park by reenactors on subjects like artillery, sharpshooters, infantry tactics, etc. We will post that info as well when available.

- Vendors are encouraged to contact John Jefferies ASAP for tables( there is an incentive for booking early...

If you have any questions, please contact Mike (, Patrick ( or John Jefferies ( Pete ( or Kreston ( are avialable for questions, too.