Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Where we are...

We'd like to remind everyone that we are almost a month away from the Atlanta Show...and, if at all possible, we'd like your finished figure there as part of the APG Display. We've talked with the show chairman, and like last year, we'll have a show table set aside specifically for our auction items.

We would like to have all of the auction figures centerally located on that table along with the two paintings to convey a sense of unity and focus everyone who is interested in an auction item to one central location on the show floor as early as possible on Saturday morning.

If you plan to set up on Friday night, your welcome to have your figure judged as part of your display...However, we'd like to have them all centrally located on Saturday morning. If you don't plan to be at the show on Friday night, no worries, we've talked with head judge, and they've assured us that figures on this table are apart of the show just like all the others, and they too will be judged accordingly. We'd ask that you follow the normal protocol when filling out and registering your figures.

If you plan to have your figure at the Atlanta Show, and just important, if you don't, just shoot Mike a note so he can make the plans necessary to transport them and keep the head judge in the loop in regards to ensuring all are included in the show judging plan. Mike will have constant liason with the head judge on Friday night and then again on Saturday...

If you can't get your figure to the Atlanta Show, we need all auction figures finished by then...

Any further questions, get a hold of Mike or Patrick.

December Update

Upfront, we'd like to send to John Jefferies a speedy recovery from his recent hip replacement; if you would like to drop him a note, his email is: jjefferies@freeportny.gov
We continue to see some excellent figures being finished up; Matt's figure is done, and if you haven't seen it, check it out. Jon is well along the way with his 9th NY Standard Beare, and we just got word that Doug has finished his figure, and we should have those pictures in a couple weeks.
Also, Gary finished up his Fairchild portrait and Pete's canvas work is done; both are simply amazing!...
As a reminder, once you have your work done, shoot Mike a picture and he'll work with Paul to try and get those posted on the website. If you've finished your piece and Mike doesn't know, just shoot him a note, and we'll add your work to the website, and our next blog update, too.
Ken Thomas has agreed to make available free bases for those that are donating figures for out auction. To get a free base from Ken please contact Mike with your request and he'll forward it to Ken.
As a reminder, if you can't get to your APG figure at all this year, please let Mike know as soon as possible. Shoot him a note and let him know so we can update our website and arrangements can be made to return the figure(s) or pay for them and a base if you've received one from Ken Thomas.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November Update...

Lots of news to pass on after the Chicago and Long Island Shows... First we'd like to thank Kreston for arranging the display of artifacts from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum at the MMSI Show. It was a real treat to be able to view in person the items we plan to restore as well as some other significant Civil War artifacts. Thanks as well to Bill Brewster for coming down and patiently standing by the display and answering questions as well as his informative presentation. And of course a big thank you to Dave Peschke for giving us the space and hosting the exhibit and talk.

Miscellaneous stuff

Finally we're starting to get in some finished figures for the auction. Mark Mindeman, Bob Knee, Patrick Kirk, and Rodger Spahr have finished theirs and have sent pictures to Mike. He'll work with Paul to try and get those posted on the website ASAP.
Ken Thomas has agreed to make available free bases for those that are donating figures for out auction. To get a free base from Ken please contact Mike with your request and he'll forward it to Ken.
We'd like to have as many pieces on display in Atlanta as possible...if for some reason you can't finish your piece by Atlanta, that's fine, we need to have though, by MFCA.
If you can't get to your APG figure at all this year, please let Mike know as soon as possible. Shoot him a note and let him know so we can update our website and arrangements can be made to return the figure(s) or pay for them and a base if you've received one from Ken Thomas.

2009 Gettysburg Show

Ok...here is where we are to date on the show...

  • We've held the 1st weekend in August 2009 at the Eisenhower Convention Center for our Show. At present we are looking to do a Friday, Sat, and Sun show.
  • John Jefferies has volunteered to act as vendor and hotel liaison/chairman/contact; you're a demi-god John. Thanks!
  • John has already booked the weekend with the hotel and is starting negotiations with the hotel for tables etc. For anyone who’ s done a show of any type you know that this is probably the most demanding of any part of running an event...
  • Many others stepped up in Chicago and Long Island and have volunteered to help. We'll be calling on everyone in some way as the time gets closer...so watch this space!
  • Mike talked with Scott Hartwig and we have come up with some ideas for tours, etc., while in Gettysburg; watch this space for an update!
  • If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mike.

Finance Update for November

Financially we did well by selling quite a few T-shirts and all 10 of the 2nd Wisconsin limited edition figures Mike had on hand. He took a few orders for more while there and had a couple waiting on the Internet when he returned home. If you know of anyone that's expressed an interest in this figure please tell them to act quickly as Mike has a feel that they wont last much longer. Anyone who would still like a tee shirt, please contact Mike; sales of the tee shirts were good at both shows, but not to our expectation. We're sure we can sell more during the upcoming show venue.