Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Miscellaneous stuff

Finally we're starting to get in some finished figures for the auction. Mark Mindeman, Bob Knee, Patrick Kirk, and Rodger Spahr have finished theirs and have sent pictures to Mike. He'll work with Paul to try and get those posted on the website ASAP.
Ken Thomas has agreed to make available free bases for those that are donating figures for out auction. To get a free base from Ken please contact Mike with your request and he'll forward it to Ken.
We'd like to have as many pieces on display in Atlanta as possible...if for some reason you can't finish your piece by Atlanta, that's fine, we need to have though, by MFCA.
If you can't get to your APG figure at all this year, please let Mike know as soon as possible. Shoot him a note and let him know so we can update our website and arrangements can be made to return the figure(s) or pay for them and a base if you've received one from Ken Thomas.

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