How Can I Help the APG ?
I get asked that question alot. We started raising money by selling painted miniatures but the buyers market is small and can be hard to reach. Delivery of the painted pieces could be problematic. Shipping these things is risky at best. Delivering in person could also be a logistical problem. We still sell painted miniatures and several clubs have allowed us to put on a live auction and we try to man a table at the shows to sell the stuff in person. But selling painted miniatures isn't the only way we raise money. Here are some ideas for everyone, including folks that don't paint or collect to help.
Become a Member.
For an individual becoming a member is probably the easiest way to get involved. Membership is $35 a year with a $25 renewal. (for anyone under 18 the fee is $15 and $10) For $35 you will receive your choice of gift. Currently those choices are an APG T-shirt, personalized paperweight, or name tag. Other benefits are a 10% discount at Michael Roberts Ltd, 10% off APG Store items, and discounted admission to our show. Right now our membership is small but as it grows we hope to include other benefits and incentives to join. Just today I had some one who is in the process of starting a miniature company offer a %10 discount once he starts production.
Individuals can also make a donation. We are now officially a Not for Profit Organization registered in the Commonwealth of VA. and will soon have our 5013C status. (check with your tax guy for any benefits that may be appropriate) People can also check with their employers to see if they offer any matching funds for donations to Not for Profit groups. In many case these benefits aren't known to employees. It's a great way to double your money!
Club, Business, and Organizational Support.
We've asked clubs, business, and other organizations to support us with donations. For that we link your organizations' website to ours and list you on our website. Sort of free advertising. We hope to expand the benefits of that in the future. Another idea that could be fun would be for your group to have a raffle of donated items from your "grey army" at one of your meetings. Hold a flea market at your meeting and charge a percentage of sold items. Donate that to the APG. One club just put out a "donation" coffee can and filled it up at meetings. The Atlanta Military Figure Society has offered an annual donation from proceeds from their show. In this case the club is honoring their charter to educate, support the hobby, and military history.They have also graciously offered to pay our legal fees for gaining our Not for Profit and 5013C status. There are lots of ideas. Use your imagination! If you have any ideas on how we can raise money please share it with us.
We will soon anounce plans for a membership drive. Once the dates are decided we will offer a raffle if we gain 10 or more new members. The raffle prize will be a painted miniature. More to come on that.
Of course you can help by attending the show next summer. All of those profits will go to our restoration and conservation projects.
Remember that all donations of time, material, and resources go to our restoration, conservation, and preservation efforts. No one is paid and no compensation is given for anyones work. We have some small administration costs and most of that is donated.
Thanks for your support.
Mike Stelzel
Saturday, August 9, 2008
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